Questions & Answers

Double lock on 15 Nissan Frontier / EVO-ONE THAR-NIS2

+1 vote
Using an EVO-ONE with a 2015 Nissan Frontier SL and THAR-NIS2.. Using a Compustar/Firsttech RF-2WG9-SP kit, with a modified antenna connector direct to the EVO-ONE as per the tech document at

The option for Firsttech remote was set with Flashlink 2 under Remote Start options.

When locking the vehicle, the door locks fire twice.. Unlocking appears to fire only once.  The same behavior occurs when using the 2-way remote or the 1-way.  Do you know what could be causing this?


asked Oct 11, 2015 in Nissan by Rick Felter (320 points)
reopened Oct 12, 2015 by Rick Felter

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The lock and unlock wires are inverted. Verify those connections
answered Oct 13, 2015 by Rick Felter (85,210 points)
selected Dec 13, 2015 by Robert T
Verified that purple and purple/black are going to correct pins on BCM.  Purple/White is going to Pin 7 on BCM 40-pin connector (Light Blue).  Purple is going to Pin 8 on BCM 40-pin connector (Grey).  Additionally -- functionality is correct, not reversed (i.e. Lock button locks, unlock button unlocks).  Also, with this wiring, the vehicle is correctly arming and disarming the factory alarm for the respective keypress.

Spoke to telephone support yesterday and they suggested trying to disconnect purple wires to test functionality.  Doing this eliminated the double-lock, as the lock/unlock commands were sent via CAN-BUS correctly - BUT - CAN commands are only locking and unlocking locks and not arming/disarming factory alarm.

Is it advisable to disable power lock control in the bypass settings of Flashlink Updater?  Does that setting only control CAN-BUS power lock control, while leaving the analog connections intact?  If so, would other functions for locks work correctly through the analog connections only (i.e. lock after remote start, 30-sec relock, etc)?


Yes you can turn off doorlock function in your bypass with flashlink manager and leave the purple and purple/white connected to the vehicle.
OK, disabling Door Lock Control in the bypass section corrected this issue.  Everything is now working properly, including factory alarm arm/disarm, lock after remote start, and re-lock after 30 seconds without door open.

Thanks for the help!
