Questions & Answers

2012 TOUAREG standalone

0 votes
Today I installed a remote start (OEM 3-x lock) on the 2012 Touareg (the key ... not the PTS). After a remote start, the factory remote usually closes and opens the doors. And, it can the engine shut down too (with 3-x lock). Simply, thus, do not flash hazard lights (and parking lights also do not light after start-up, - in the scheme too is not present).
   Why does the evo-all instruction say that after remote startup, the OEM does not work?
posté Mar 18, 2017 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par G M (16,320 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
The reason for the parking lights not being in the installation guide is simply because in this vehicle, there is no easy way to connect to the vehicle's parking light circuit,

It would require using a relay to send positive signals through 4 diodes to the vehicle's 4 independent parking light circuits, (Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left and Rear Right)

Anything is possible but it's all a question of time and effort,
répondu Mar 20, 2017 par J M (64,120 points)
If there is an out from the evo-all for parking lights, it was possible to connect though the rear parking lights (in front  drl  shining).
Like I said, it is possible, but will require a relay and 4 diodes
To connect on brown-white, yes?
Yes, Brown White from the 20 pin connector TO A RELAY, then output of the relay through 4 diodes to the 4 individual parking light circuits
Thank you.
Today the owner of Tuareg started the car with a remote control, opened the door, forgot to put the key in the ignition slot, and traveled the whole day without a key. Is it not possible that when the door is opened, the engine would be turned off?
Yes you can set the option door open shut down D3 in the module.

The touareg key ignition switch is the same as the push model. Thus, takeover will most likely act as if the vehicle is a push-to-start. Like any push to start (unless it's something like a toyota-lexus-acura where by default it shuts down on door open), as long as the EVO see's an UNLOCK, it will leave the engine running after the door is opened, and once the brake is pressed, the EVO would turn off, but it will not "press the PTS button" to shut down the car, so car stays on.


I would suggest enabling door open shut down for this client.

Yes, you are right. I will choose option D3. (In the scheme on start-stop2 black-yellow is written, and it was yellow-black. It was also written, that "after a remote start, put the key in the lock and turn it". And do not turn around, otherwise the engine will turn off