Questions & Answers

2007 Outback, EVO-ONE no door lock control

0 votes

Installing an EVO-ONE into a 2007 Outback, manual trans. Have triple checked and tested connections according Connection 3 on this guide:


I followed the programming steps, blue light flashes rapidly confirming it is programming. I also tried resetting the bypass portion multiple times, everytime it recognizes the vehicle and the blue light flashes rapidly to confirm programming.

I also have Flashlink, and played around with a few options concerning the door locks, but still nothing.

If I put the device in automatic transmission mode, it is able to start the vehicle, but it does not lock/unlock the doors properly. It also doesn't seem to recognize door/parking-brake status, as I can't get it to go into Ready-Mode in manual transmission mode.

It is being installed in conjunction with the RF642W rf kit.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you,


posté Nov 29, 2020 dans la catégorie Subaru par Brandon Weinstein (180 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?
répondu Nov 30, 2020 par derek g (358,480 points)
Hi Derek,

Serial number is: 002B04 108236
instead of using 84.09, try using firmware 79.49 and re program the unit to the vehicle. One thing to note is when you turn the key off after programming using 79.49, the blue led will go out and you are finished programming.
Hey Derek,


Finally had some time with that vehicle again to give this a try. Unfortunetly that specifc firmware is not available when I got to the previous firmware menu. However, I did try every previous firmware available on both the bypass and remote start portion of the module to no avail.


Not sure if it is useful, but here is a photo of the label on the BCM:



