Questions & Answers

The led cannot be solid blue in the first step

–1 vote
I bought a EVO-ALL and T-harness for my 2009 silverado 1500. I connectted the T-harness to my truck. I press and hold the button on then EVO-ALL, then plug the 4-PIN data wire to EVO_all. But the led on EVO-All cannot to be solid blue. So I have no chance to release the button. I waitted long time and tried sereral times.  Same problem. So I cannot  pass the first step when I tried to install it.

One more question, the EVO_All I got shows EVO_RS on the box, not EVO-GM. But the T-harness is Thar-GMt4. Is it the problem. Thanks,
posté Dec 7, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Jerry Re (110 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The t-harness is fine.


Sounds like you havent flashed your module though. You must flash the module before trying to program it in the vehicle.


Once you flash it make sure you release the button when you see the blue led.
répondu Dec 7, 2020 par derek g (357,980 points)