Questions & Answers

What is the solid yellow (Ignition Output For Convenience Device) wire connected to?

0 votes

I have a 2012 Camry push-to-start automatic transmission using an EVO All with the THAR-TOY6 THarness. On the user guide #70451, off the THarness, it show a solid Yellow wire as the (+) Ignition for an Ignitiion Output For Convenience Device.  

What is this Yellow wire for and do I need to connect it to the A1 Yellow wire of the EVO All device?

If I need to make any wire-to-wire connections, what wire connectors your recommend when soldering is not an option?

I see no other wire-to-wire connections expect for the White/Black wire connection to the Purple wire for the (-) Start/Stop optional option.  Is this correct?

Comments: On one hand, the installation of the Fortin components seems straightforward (almost to easy to believe) but on the other hand, I just want to be sure I'm not missing anything.  Any additional information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. 

Your Q&A session has been very helpful.

Thank you for your assistance.

posté Dec 15, 2020 dans la catégorie Toyota par Reggie Jackson (150 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
you do not need to connect the wire to anything if doing 3x lock to start.
répondu Dec 16, 2020 par derek g (358,130 points)
I really do appreciate your quick response.  Yes, I am doing the 3x lock to start functionality.

Again, thank you....awesome.