Questions & Answers

standalone and aftermarket remote start

0 votes
Can I install a standalone type evo-all and then add a remote start system? so that I can remotely start the car with both the OEM remote control and the aftermarket remote.
posté Fev 2, 2021 dans la catégorie FAQ par G M (16,320 points)
modifié Fev 2, 2021 par G M

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Depending on the type of remote starter, you dont even need to enable D1.

As long as C1 is enabled and you are in datalink, the EVO transfers lock-unlock from the oem remote to the remote starter. Some remote starters, will be able to interrpret those command to start with 3xlock.
répondu Fev 2, 2021 par Robert T (303,700 points)
élue Fev 2, 2021 par G M