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2010 Nissan Murano "no key" starts on second/third attempt

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installing 2010 Nissan Murano pts auto, used evo all, Thar-NIST1, solace SIC4 remote start. Vehicle will sometimes start on first attempt but after sitting 10-20 minutes, will only start on 2nd or 3rd attempt.  When it fails to start the instrument cluster diplays "no key". Installed and programmed normally. Used latest firmware, later tried several other versions with same result. Have re-programmed every time firmware was updated. manually hardwired GWR wire from remote start to blue wire on evo with no change.  Brake lights come on every attempt to start. Tried changing to standalone with no difference. Have swapped out remote start and bypass modules. Serial # 001A07 257744.  I'm out of ideas.
posté Oct 3, 2021 dans la catégorie Nissan par Micheal Unger (2,610 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Was the yellow/purple from the 20 pin connector connected?
répondu Oct 4, 2021 par derek g (336,040 points)
Yes, the purple and yellow wire is connected to the light blue and black wire.
Perhaps try connecting the gwr and dis arm wire from the soalce unit to the gwr of the evo. This will allow it to turn on a little sooner and may give a more consitent start.




You can tr rolling the version back and re programming the evo to see if it yields a different result.
Ok, I have tried both of those options as well.

Please try this specific version, reset the unit in the vehicle, flash to 72.42, re program the unit then re test in vehicle. 


- Fix intermittent remote start

I'm looking at Schematic and see a small piece on schematic about option B2 being ON when using nist1 and datalink. I'm betting this is issue? I don't have the vehicle at current but will later today.
B2 is for the door lock designation when using evo all with rs in data link..


Let me know what the results are.

Make sure dark blue GWR is not connected after enabling B2. 

Loaded 72.42,  reprogrammed, turned on option B2, (GWR not hardwired) still the same.
It's working! I had to abandon the evo-nist1 after 6 hours of trying to make it work properly and customer needing their vehicle. I installed an ADS-ALCA. Works. The main differences that I could see with the idata schematic vs fortin is the key sense circuit and also it turns ignition on briefly when unlocking/disarming. Also, door locks are controlled through data. Not sure if these differences have anything to do with it or not. I've installed several of these in Muranos and this is only one of the two that ever gave me grief. Luck of the draw, I guess.
I understand, not the result I wanted to hear but I am happy you got it going the way you like.


Best regards.