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1998 Lincoln Navigator EVOALL programmed still doesn't bypass

0 votes
1998 Lincoln Navigator.EVOALL to use as a bypass. Followed the instructions to a tee for muliple hours could not program. Red and orange light stay on constant. When using two different keys we finally got it to blink red rapidly 10 times and lights when off indicating it programmed properly. Upon remote starting we get the theft light and vehicle shuts off. Remote starts perfectly with programmed key in the barrel.
posté Dec 18, 2021 dans la catégorie Lincoln par Adam D (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
what is the 12 digit s/n of the module?

what brand remote starter?

with the car off, there should be no lights. Does the red led turn on when attempting to remote start?
répondu Dec 20, 2021 par Robert T (303,690 points)
Hi there. Thanks so much for the reponse. I don't have that vehicle here at the moment but it is a DS4+ Direct remote starter and the LED does turn red when attempting to remote start so I know ignition and ground ouot when running is doing its business.

Being a DS4, make sure there is no datalink between both units, just cut the blue and white wires in the datalink cable. 


Try this afterwards, manually ground the EVO GWR input and then try remote start.

  • Car starts = timing issue with the DS4 GWR output. 
  • Car no start = connect the RED/BLUE of the EVO to sync the transponder with crank
Thanks again. No data between them. Already tried to directly ground and still no go. I see red/blue is used elsewhere but not in connection type 1. Try anyways?
We did try to hook up red/blue to crank and still nothing. The theft light does rapidly blink as soon as ignition is turned on so vehicle is not detecting a transponder key so bypass is not working even after getting 10 rapid red blinks and then all lights off. Have even tried another EVOALL and same exact stuff.