Questions & Answers

Sold vehicle with Remote start installed.

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How do I transfer ownership of the remote start if I don't have the security key?

Recently sold my truck and it had the Evo one remote start system installed but I have lost the security key. How do I give the new owner the ability to use the system?
posté Dec 13, 2024 dans la catégorie Toyota par Todd Raycraft (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

You can find the activation code normally on the antenna itself on a white sticker. It is a 9 digit alpha numeric code.

If not you can call into the tech line and we maybe able to find it for you using the email that would have been associated to thea ccount.


mon - fri 8 - 6 est.

Best regards.
répondu Dec 13, 2024 par derek g (358,130 points)