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2016 Toyota Camry Push to Start Evo-all Install issue

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I just finished installing a 2016 Toyota Camry XSE Push to start button Evo-All.

The dome lights no longer work, specifically the top front upper light console where the power moon roof controls are. The moon roof controls work but the dome light does not. Is this something controlled by the
evo-all? Any advice on how to trouble shoot this?

I assume now that it's installed I just hit the included key fob 3x and the engine should start?

I hear noises from the engine and eletronics however after 3x pushes the car does not start.
Where do I start to trouble shoot this?


Thank you
posté Juin 15, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par Bob Gettinger (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
I would suggest chekcing the fuse for the dome light...

When trying to remote start the vehicle are you pressing lock on the oem remote three times? or are you press lock 3 times on the after market remote? If using an RF kit what model are you using?

What do the led's on the evo do when attempting to remote start?

Be sure that you have all doors hood and trunk closed and no keys are inside the vehicle.

Also if it fails to start the parking lights will flash X number of times telling you why it didnt start...Count the flashes and let me know how many times they flash.
répondu Juin 15, 2016 par derek g (357,980 points)
Sorry it appeared I had a loose 12vdc constant, this has now been fixed. Here is the light pattern I get:

Accessory ON:Yellow
Ignition On:Yellow

When I push the cars key fob 3X times the ignition seems to go on and there is light activity
but no start, no turn over of starter.

At the end after it appears to try this a few times I get 3 Red flashes


How does one go about trouble shooting this system?
Now with the ignition on I get a solid YELLOW, no other lights in off, ignition or run.
3 flashes means no tach, but seeing as the car isnt actually remote starting this doesnt help us much beause of course its not going to see a tach signal.

So ignition turns on but the vehicle does not start, Few things to go over:

1- the Drk.Blue (A8): wire is not resting at ground. If this wire is grounded the vehicle will think the hood is open and wont start.

2- Tx connection Lt.Blue (A20): I have seen this a couple times, although the module programs correctly the Tx wire is on the wrong wire. So i would go and verify the connection and wire you have hooked up to.

3- Steering lock: If this wire is not on the correct wire the ignition will turn on but the vehicle will not start, also ensure that the White/Red (D6) has a good secure ground if it does not the vehicle will not start.

4- Parking lights: Not required for remote starting the car, but if it is connected to the wrong wire in that BCM connector i have seen it stop a car from starting, so for the purpose of troubleshooting i would try removeing this wire during testing.


Check these out and let me know what you find.