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EVO-FORT1 Starts, then stops 2011 Ford Taurus SEL

+1 vote
EVO-FORT1 just installed on a 2011 Ford Taurus SEL.  Car remote starts and runs for several seconds, then shuts off. Starts a second time, same thing, shuts off after severall seconds.

I notice that about the time it shuts off is when the dash instruments start to power on.  It seems like they power on late.  I am wondering if it is trying to read the tach and because the dash powers on late (or at least seems late) . . . it thinks the car isn't running.  Just a guess.

Anyone experienced this before?  Any ideas?
posté Juin 26, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Matthew Mangels (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Was the module programmed using 1 or 2 keys?

If you sit inside the vehicle and remote start it with the head of the key infront of the ignition barrel does the vehicle stay running?

Aside from the t-harness what other connections were made inside the vehicle?
répondu Juin 27, 2016 par derek g (358,130 points)

The only other thing I could see that may cause a problem is that your module is currently flashed for a ford mustang, the module checks the vin of the vehicle and if its looking for a mustang vin when its in a taurus this will cause problems. This can be checked here

So the next step would be to flash the module using the flash link updater-2 for the correct vehicle.

Interesting.  I bought it online.  Seller said they'd flash it to my specific vehicle.  I think I should follow up with them.  Lemme see where that gets me.  Thanks for the lead.
After troubleshooting with the seller, he determined that the module had A5 enabled.  The Fortin guide clearly says this should be disabled although is doesn't exactly say it will cause the symtoms I've described.  Rather than sending the module back to the seller to flash it, he is going to send me the Flashlink adapter to flash it myself.  Even though the guide doesn't say the car will shut off with A5 enabled, the idea that it could be the cause doesn't seem far fetched to me.  Thoughts?
A5 is for arming and dis arming the vehicle, but it should be set according to the installation guide, either way once you get the flash link youll be able to set the module up properly for your vehicle...
I'm having the same issues as above and disabling A5 didn't seem to help. Any other ideas?