Questions & Answers

2016Q5 with push start

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I got evo-one, when I finally made the setting as recommended by the installation guide:

c1, D6 and d2 and 32.6 38.2

now it attempts to start and it unlocks the car but it doesn't starts the remote won't work locking and unlocking doesn't work, the lights (blinkers) flash twice every one minute and the blue light stays on.

When I flashed with the latest version 75 something I couldn't get to program on the car the blue light never flash rapidly and it only worked on version 60 any help would be great.


posté Mar 10, 2019 dans la catégorie Audi par Rick Andrew (180 points)

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse
Enable options A1 through A11 and re test.
répondu Mar 11, 2019 par derek g (358,130 points)
élue Mar 17, 2019 par Rick Andrew
It worked thanks. but now I have problem starting I can't seem to make the wrap to work. I stick the key in the Keyport and it works (valet key not the whole key the one with chip only) but wrapping it and wrapping the write around the key port it doesn’t work. I used solid copper wire without insulation still can’t seems to find the key.