Questions & Answers

Which wire on the THAR-HON-A2 connector needs to be cut for a 2010 Acura MDX EVO-ONE Installation?

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The installation guide for the EVO-ONE on a 2010 Acura MDX states that a wire has to be cut on the green male side of the THAR-HON-A2 connector, and that wires D1 and D3 are connected to the two newly created ends of the cut wire. Which wire am I to cut? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
posté Jan 13, 2020 dans la catégorie Acura par Owen Scott (130 points)

1 Réponse

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You only do this if you have a REV1 harness.


You cut the yellow wire on the male portion of the t-harness and connect D1 to one end and D3 to the other end.
répondu Jan 13, 2020 par derek g (358,130 points)