Questions & Answers

Start-X Harness taps into only BCM, why does the NIST1 require so much more?

0 votes
I'm confused about why the evo-all with the NIST1 harness has so many unterminated / spliced / molex connectors, brake switch replacements, start button replacements, obd port replacements... yet doesn't use the BCM harness for any of these functions?

The start-x harness needed none of these connections. The guide also isn't clear about what wires are simply orphaned or why there are molexes on some at modular connectors that already have factory wires.
asked Dec 14, 2021 in Nissan by Jonathan Bakert (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Start X makes their own t-harness. For questions regarding their product you would want to contact start-x.


When using a Fortin NIST1 harness the connections are shown in the instllation guide.
answered Dec 14, 2021 by derek g (358,230 points)