Questions & Answers

Why is the diode installed?

0 votes
The installation of the EVO-Nist1 on a 2012 Nissian Quest it says to install a 1A diode.  What type of diode and is there a part number of the diode at radio shack or does your company sell the diode?
asked Dec 21, 2016 in Nissan by David Stewart2 (180 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
What guide number are you following? Want to give you an accurate answer.

First page upper right hand corner will list the guide number.
answered Dec 21, 2016 by derek g (358,230 points)
Guide #12671
Are you installing a remote starter with the evo-nist1?
Yes I have ordered EVO-Nist1
you're following the wrong guide for stand installation follow this guide:
I'm not installing the RF kit antenna I just want to use the key FOB that came with the vehicle, so do I just bypass that wiring.  The hood pin and the switch is mandatory?   Can I by the hood pin from your company?
Yes the guide previously listed shows rf kit as optional. So ignore the rf kit part and follow that guide i linked you.

Hood pin is strongly recommended for safety reasons.

RS-PB would be the part number for the hood pin and valet switch from us.
Great, Thanks.  Where on your site do I purchase the hood pin and switch?
It is not available on the website, only through authorized distributors and retailers.

You can also pick that up at any napa or autoparts store or electronics store...very common part.
Is the valet/safety switch mounted under the dashboard?
the valet switch can be mounted where ever you want...