Questions & Answers

Is it possible to turn off the car with remote?

0 votes
Hi, I have installed EVO 5 and starts fine by pressing "lock" for 3 times. But is there a combination for turning off the engine by pressing my remote buttons?

Also there is an issue, that if car turns on by remote control, warning lights start blinking. If I turn one more time "lock" and then "unlock" it will end, but is it normal?



asked Nov 17, 2017 in Jeep by Ivo Vinogradov2 (130 points)
edited Nov 17, 2017 by Ivo Vinogradov2

1 Answer

0 votes
To shut the vehicle down simply press lock 3 more times.
answered Nov 17, 2017 by derek g (358,130 points)
If it doesnt work, what could be the problem?
that the oem remote is not monitored when the car is running.