Questions & Answers

I have the evo rs with the tharfort1 for my 2012 f150 can't get it to work

0 votes
I also have the flashlink updater, unlocked the remote start in the truck, and have 2 active keys and it will not work
asked Jan 13, 2020 in Ford by Ryan Gilbert (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?


Little trick that helps is when programming:

1- leave the red connector unplugged.

2- Keep pressure on the key when it is in the ignition. Push in on it the entire time.

3- Make sure the yellow, & wires were connected.
answered Jan 15, 2020 by derek g (358,230 points)
Haven't tried number 2 yet. I will try tonight.
It worked thanks guys. I only spent like 10 days trying to get it to work. Now, if I take it out to make changes do I have to do the process again or can I just plug it in?