Questions & Answers

What is the modification to modify EVO-GM1 to EVO-GMv2?

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2 Answers

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The modification is done from the RED connector that plugs into the EVO. Do not cut any wires anywhere else.


  1. Cut the yellow/red and light blue/black 2-3 inches from the red connector.
  2. Join both yellow/red and light blue/black together from the non connector side (harness side); solder and tape connection.
  3. Take the yellow/red coming from the connector side and connect it to a constant 12V source. You can tap into the red wire of the datalink connector for constant 12V.
  4. Take the light blue/black coming from the connector side and connect it to the ignition wire. You should tap into the yellow wire of the EVOs 20-pin white connector.
answered Jan 13, 2014 by Robert T (304,280 points)
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You will have to cut wire from the red plug on EVO, and send the connector side to the yellow wire on EVO 20 pin connector(Ignition). Then cut yellow/red wire from red connector and send connector side to red (12volts) on 4 pin data link connector. The other side of the cut wires (yellow/red and you will join together. You have now converted a v1 to a v2 harness. This combo will work as a remote starter provided you activate option 15 in the EVO-ALL options menu. You do not need a seperate remote starter. You can refer to our website for the diagram if you like.
answered Jan 13, 2014 by Robert T (8,290 points)