Questions & Answers

Is there a way too use aux function on evo start 2 app for ignition kill so it doesnt start the car

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Evo start 2 ignition kill on aux button on 2023 Q3
posté Nov 9, 2022 dans la catégorie Audi par Gurpreet Singh2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Is it an evo-one or evo-all installed in the vehicle?

Is the vehicle key start or push button start?
répondu Nov 9, 2022 par derek g (358,430 points)
Evo all and it's push to start
in that case no, there is no aux output wire using evo-all in stand alone.
If I use evo one then it possible?
Actually i take that back, If you enable option G in the evo-all it will turn the white wire on the 20 pin into a starter kill. You can use this to wire in your starter kill relay wich will be active once the vehicle is armed.