Questions & Answers

Evo start 2 aux1/aux 2 defroster

0 votes
hello i bought one of evo start2 and installed in my car. worked out as expected. but my concern is the aux 1 and aux 2 setting. since i am in a cold country (canada) i wanted to make use of the defroster option in the aux setting and it didn't mention in the installation guide for the wires for aux 1/aux 2. which wires are for the aux 1 or aux 2?
posté Oct 25, 2020 dans la catégorie Toyota par jerome Gulay (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Aux1 and aux2 are only available through data on certain vehicles. Most vehicles require a hard wired connection for things like defrost control. The EvoAll does not have analog aux outputs.
répondu Oct 25, 2020 par Robert T (304,210 points)